Future Bakery is a family run business. It all started with my Polish grandfather in Czarist Russia. After numerous years of study and apprenticeship he received a diploma as a masterbaker from Czar Nicholas's court. He ended up baking in the court until 1915.
Along the way home from St. Petersburg he met my Ukrainian grandmother. My grandparents married and set up a successful bakery in Ternopil, Ukraine. With the outbreak of World War II and the arrival of the Red Army, the family fled west. After the war they arrived in Canada and opened a small bakery. They named it Future because they wished to leave behind the past and were looking to the future in their new country.
Today the bakery is run by my family. We still use my grandparents recipes for our breads and we have taken to heart their advice that: "If you always do that little bit extra when making our products, the quality will come through." That's why our customers make the extra effort to look for Future Bakery breads.